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An overview of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Live Webinar

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has gained increasing attention over the past few years, with many institutional investors investing only in those companies that provide ESG performance reporting. ESG has considerations relevant to analysts and investors, consumers and employees, and it has become a key topic of discussion at the Board table.  This course provides an overview of an ESG framework and how it supports a company’s overall risk management. It examines each component in detail and provides insight into how they converge to impact a company and its stakeholders.

Live Webinar

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Course Content:

  • Short history of ESG
  • ESG in a business context
  • Material topics
  • E + S impacts, policies, legal requirements
  • Supply chain management
  • Ratings – ecovadis, BCorp etc
  • EU and international regulations
  • Circularity
  • ISO certifications
  • Sustainable business models
  • Q&A

Product Description

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has gained increasing attention over the past few years, with many institutional investors investing only in those companies that provide ESG performance reporting. ESG has considerations relevant to analysts and investors, consumers and employees, and it has become a key topic of discussion at the Board table.  This course provides an overview of an ESG framework and how it supports a company’s overall risk management. It examines each component in detail and provides insight into how they converge to impact a company and its stakeholders.

Awarding Body: Optima Training & Consulting Ltd

National Framework of Qualifications Level: N/a

Certification: Optima Training & Consulting Ltd Certificate of Completion

Renewal: N/a

Entry Requirements:
Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.

Assessment Details: Class Interaction

Cost Per Person:
The fee is inclusive of all training courseware materials, certificate of completion and 3 months after training support.

Progression Opportunities: Please see related courses

Protection for Enrolled Students: N/A

Should a course not proceed, any payment received will be refunded within 48 hours