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Restrictive Practices (Restraint free environment’s)


Course Content:

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Restrictive Practices/Restraints – Protection vs. Elder Abuse
  • Safeguarding and Restrictive Practices
  • HSE/HIQA guidance and reporting
  • Local policy and procedure discussion
  • Different types of Restrictive Practices/Restraints used.
  • Assessment and Consent when using Restrictive Practices/Restraints.
  • Managing Restrictive Practices/Restraints – Creative Ways to avoid Physical Restrictive Practices/Restraints
  • Restrictive Practices/Restraints Policy and Procedures
  • HIQA Standard – Use of Physical Restraint
  • Chemical, Mechanical, Equipment, Psychological Restrictive Practices/Restraints
  • Developing and Auditing/Evaluating Restrictive Practices/Restraints Policy and Care Plans
  • Q&A
  • Conclude & Follow Up Process

Course Aims:  

The aim of the workshop is:

  • Provide participants with the better understanding of Restraint Policy
  • Provide participants with creative ideas of avoiding physical restraint

The restraint policy of each care setting is discussed and understood by all participants and discussions are liked to best practice and guidance.

Each course is designed specifically for the care setting the training is taken place in. Prior to all courses, contact is made with the Person In Charge to discuss any concerns.

This course is aimed at Healthcare professionals who deal with elderly people in their every day work.

Face to face: Classroom based, instructor lead, informative course.

Or via

Live webinar: Instructor lead via live webinar

Product Description

This Restrictive Practices  in the Residential Care course is a half day Webinar that encourages participants to reflect on interventions that could be seen as restraining residents if viewed from a resident’s perspective. Many interventions within healthcare environments can restrict movement of older people. They may be un- intentional or intentional and can be argued as in the best interest or for the protection of residents, for example, a nursing home locked at night to protect residents and staff from intruders. All setting work towards a restraint free environment.

Awarding Body: Optima Training & Consulting Ltd

National Framework of Qualifications Level: N/a

Certification: Optima Training & Consulting Ltd Certificate of Completion

Renewal: N/a

Entry Requirements:
Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.

Assessment Details: Class Interaction

Cost Per Person:
The fee is inclusive of all training courseware materials, certificate of completion and 3 months after training support.

Progression Opportunities: Please see related courses

Protection for Enrolled Students: N/A

Should a course not proceed, any payment received will be refunded within 48 hours